fifty superheroes: number 5 (color special!)

05-babetheblueox-2-color-blogFifth of the fifty new superheroes from last year’s drawing of the day sketchbooks is Babe the Blue Ox.  I guess she’s called that because she is blue, has horns and hooves, and is strong as an ox.  (And yes, a bit of a babe, but if you mention that in a disrespectful tone of voice she’ll step on your toes, so I wouldn’t recommend it.

Babe is a classic mutant hero, and my guess is that her powers, like those of her namesake, revolve around strength and toughness.  Her costume is designed to recall the Golden Age “girl heroines” who have been co-opted by young feminist heroes who identify as women, and she is pretty definitely a politically active “good guy”  with a progressive bent.

(Above is the “Color Special” version of the original drawing of the day: the sketchbook version is below.)05-babetheblueox-2-blog

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